



Cosplay (M., skl., yap. コスププレ kosupure, abbreviation from the English costume play — “costume game”[1]) is the transformation into various roles, consisting in dressing up in costumes and transferring

 the character, body plasticity and facial expressions of characters from computer games, cinema, literature, comics, anime and manga. As a rule, this hobby includes making a costume and elements of attributes of the selected character. It has some connection with the role-playing movement (the difference is that cosplay does not involve the development of the plot and character of the character, but concentrates on the characteristic features described in the source), as well as with historical reconstruction (requires a detailed reconstruction of the historical prototype).wikipedia 

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They say that cosplay has Japanese roots

 But this is not quite true. No one knows exactly where it began to form as a separate subculture, but it is indisputable that in Japan it has grown wider and deeper than anywhere else.

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Perhaps, the matter is in the centuries-old traditions of the amateur Japanese Kabuki theater, which has existed since the beginning of the XVII century. It was a synthesis of music, dance and drama. In the productions, the actors paid special attention to complex makeup, which reflected the essence of the character, and costumes that had a strong symbolic load. The traditions of the theater have penetrated deeply into the culture of the country, allowing cosplay to harmoniously separate over time as an independent cultural branch.

It is believed that the first cosplay appeared in 1939 in the USA: at the world's first annual science fiction convention World Science Fiction Convention, science fiction writer Forrest J. Ackerman dressed up in an unusual futuristic costume, prompting thousands of imitators to follow his example.

By 1956, the tradition was already relatively well established, there was even a contest for the best outfit at the convention. In 1984, Nobuyuki Takahashi, a Japanese writer, became the judge of the next competition, who was delighted with the costumed performance and began to spread this idea in his native country. It was picked up primarily by anime fans who got the opportunity to transform into their favorite characters. Around this time, the term “cosplay” appeared in Japan.

In parallel, the idea of cosplay continued to develop in America. For the USA, the 1960s were a period of emergence of many social movements and subcultures: punks, rockers, hippies. Young people aspired to self-identification and self-expression. Then the fascination with comics and fantasy resulted in a fan environment, whose adherents dressed up as their favorite characters. Simultaneously with fans of comics at the same time, a wave of Tolkienists appeared, more associated with role-playing games, “voles" than with cosplay. Nevertheless, Tolkienists also influenced the creation of cosplay culture.

The “voles” migrated to Russia and have been held there since the 1990s.

Thus, cosplay came to the CIS from several sides: through the Tolkienist role-playing movement and the growing popularity of anime. Over time, cosplay has ceased to be the prerogative of freaky youth and has become a diverse cultural phenomenon that enthusiastic people are engaged in with whole families. Modern cosplay is no longer directly related to either Tolkienists or anime.

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Cosplay and LARP — what is the difference?

Elements of masquerade and acting are also used in LARP — live-action role-playing games, where the characters not only reincarnate and play their role, but also actively interact with each other: they communicate, pass linear quests, go to pubs, are “tortured”, are captured or in a dead man.


For LARP, dressing up is a game tool. For a role player, immersion in the character is more important, and the costume is secondary: it can do with minimal entourage without working out details and textures. For a cosplayer, the elaboration of a costume is in the first place, and in the image it is not non-stop, but only for the duration of a photo shoot or fashion show.

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Adults dress up as characters from movies and run through the woods in heavy armor and with a foam sword. Does it look weird? Perhaps, but you would be surprised to know how diverse the audience is going there. For example, Oxxxymiron, a popular Russian rapper, was once seriously interested in field role-playing games. He talks about the movement like this:

“Fantasy games are a niche topic, but in general, all of humanity plays some form of such games: someone works as an office clerk, and on Friday he changes into Stone Island and goes to Makhach.

To be honest, I have an ambivalent attitude towards many subcultural phenomena — on the one hand, this is, of course, the triumph of geekism, freakishness and escapism. And on the other hand, why not, the concentration of intellectuals in such an environment is quite high, it's just that they are often people who are squeezed and poorly able to communicate in the real world. So after all, I'm kind of the same — and nothing much has changed here.”

Public opinion about role-playing games and cosplay is ambiguous, perhaps due to a lack of information in this area. An increasing number of jade, completely normal people in the universal sense of the word, are now coming into motion. Perhaps due to the fact that cosplay gives you the opportunity to show versatile creativity - sewing, make—up, reincarnation, sometimes art, design and photography. LARP allows you to completely fall into another reality: to survive a day somewhere in a pine forest among bards, merchants, elves, undead and dangerous creatures - sounds much more fun than just going to the movies. 

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“If you want publications, take off your clothes”

In RPG games and anime, the girls on the screen are often more undressed than clothed. The cosplayer needs to recreate these costumes exactly, which sometimes looks provocative.

At the same time, explicit cosplay is popular — it's a good way to quickly gain subscribers. The cosplayer and the head of the Golden Hamster agency Margarita Teplyakova comments on it like this:

“Everything is explained quite easily here. If you want publications in big public places in social networks, fame and money — undress! The more clothes you wear, the less attention you get.”

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A lot depends on what kind of audience the cosplayer wants to attract, but even in this case, the quality of the costume and the wagering matters. In the society of cosplayers, this method of gaining popularity is treated with coolness:

"I admit that there are cosplayers who have made a name for themselves on the so—called "boob cosplay" of poor quality, but then the name is appropriate - it is unlikely that enthusiastic exclamations will follow from like-minded people. The key to popularity is the quality of the costume, the ability to get used to the role of the character and good makeup, again patiently selected. The most important thing for me is the love of my work and the joy of each new cosplay.”


"I completely disagree with the opinion "if you want publications, undress." If you are really passionate about your business, you like to do high-quality photosets with careful preparation, then you will definitely be noticed.”

Ninel Nuretdinova

In any case, explicit cosplay requires good forms, acting skills and photogenicity. This is also a skill.

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cosplay gathers like-minded people and gives you the opportunity to have fun. It allows you to express yourself in any of the selected facets: someone wants to show himself as an actor, someone as a designer, someone has a beautiful body or the ability to present himself.

Why is all this necessary? For the same reason that each of us from time to time likes to fall out into the world of books, films and festivals. Business, applied sciences and everyday life provide us with life, but carnivals, reincarnations, adventures and romance are necessary to us, as air is what we live for.

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